University study at Mayflower could help UK Business

By: Joe Wright on 30th Jun 2017 - 11:51 AM     Share on:

University study at Mayflower could help UK Business


Many of our followers will know that we’ve enjoyed a great relationship with Sheffield Hallam University, having collaborated on various projects in the past few years. The Venture Matrix project and Enhanced Mentored Internships have been particular highlights.

Now, our latest involvement with the university promises a unique insight into the world of work at British Small and Media Sized Enterprises (SMEs). 

Findings could help UK SMEs

This latest venture began when PHD Student and Researcher, Marc Duffy, approached Mayflower earlier in the year requesting our participation in a study on organisational commitment.

Using a methodology encompassing surveys and interviews, Marc aims to uncover the factors influencing employee’s commitment levels within an SME environment. Despite being of high importance to businesses across the nation, very little research on the topic has been conducted within the UK.

Results set to aid continual improvement

At Mayflower, we are lucky to have a great base of loyal staff. The majority of our senior management team, including two directors, began life as apprentices on our shop floor, before making their way up to managerial positions.

Nonetheless, we operate a policy of continual improvement and hope that feedback from the study will provide suggestions for increasing organisational commitment even further.


We'll keep you posted on the result of the study